Jeremiah 12 Research Paper

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11.8 Handling Issues and Blockages Excuses – “But they all alike began to make excuses” Luke 14:18 [1] Sports haters in high school usually have a very smart way of keeping away from sports: they simply obtain a fake doctor’s medical excuse to feign sickness. Sometimes you find this happening in workplaces. That’s exactly what excuses do: they pretend to be sick to keep thereby not doing what they are should be doing. You may hide behind your excuses, but these excuses only bring in delay. They have no power to change your life circumstances. All they just do is pacify you and kill your desire to change or do something about your situation – because you have an excuse not to. You may have a great and valid excuse for a stinking breath, but …show more content…

In Jeremiah 12 verses 1-4 the Prophet was complaining about how unrighteous and wicked people prosper, whereas the Prophet himself was not prospering, even though he was upright and righteous. God replied in Jeremiah 12 verse 5 [1] “If you have raced with men on foot and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses? If you stumble in a safe country, how will you manage in the thickets by Jordan?” This verse provides lots of encouragement in that God allows you a delay so as to prepare you for greater things that are beyond the …show more content…

Reading:* Jeremiah 33-34, Luke 24, Psalm 55, and Proverbs 14 the Lord says: "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know” (Jeremiah 3 verse 33) [1]. Ignorance is not bliss, especially when it has to do with spiritual things. It happens because we do not heed the call to talk to God. Not everyone with greatly exciting secrets wants to share them, but our Heavenly Father has openly told us to call for the secrets, and He will happily show us. Many Christians wander in a maze of perplexity, but help is only a call away. God is alive; He hears, and answers and shows. He will show you the secrets to solving personal issues, and dealing with situations. He will show you wonderful things that are not common to everyone, only to those who ask Him. Like the good old song says, you can dial heaven any time. The lines are never busy; you’re never put on hold. You will never be told that He’s out of the office, gone on a journey, or that He is currently attending to someone else nor do the lines cut off before you finish your conversation. No, you won’t get a voice recording either. And what’s best, the Receptionist Himself is able to help you, because He was once a man and understands how you feel, so He won’t be telling you to try the next help centre, or saying they don’t “deal with such

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