
Figurative Language In The Gettysburg Address

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Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address is one of the most practical yet inspiring speeches in the history of the United States. As Morrison points out in his article, Lincoln’s refusal to encapsulate the somber tragedies of Gettysburg in his speech is an effective method that fairly portrays just how indescribable the gruesome events of Gettysburg were.Furthermore, Wills argues that Lincoln's subtle and simple words are powerful enough to describe the situation at Gettysburg as a proof of the winning ideology. Essentially, Lincoln calculates his words tactfully to express that the ideological fight of the war is more important than the wars military importance. But as Kaplan points out, Lincoln’s address also serves as a monologue of advice and unity for the public to swallow during a period of gruesome …show more content…

Thus the Gettysburg Address is much more complex that an ordinary speech of such brevity may initially seem. As Booth reveals, the speech’s strategic tone and syntax prove its complexities yet make it simple and audible for all people. Furthermore, each word is filled with meaning and substance, transforming an ordinarily concise speech into a substantial speech of significance. Lincoln was faced with the enormously difficult task of speaking to a mourning audience soon after the horrific events of the Gettysburg battle took place. In less than 300 words, Lincoln was able to deliver a speech of encouragement and faith that had the capability to unite the North while honoring the fallen soldiers. Yet as the four articles mention, while the Gettysburg Address may be a speech of brevity, is was meticulously calculated and structured. Lincoln gave each word purpose. And he played with structure and repetition to unite his cause and remind the public of why the war was being fought. I

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