
Frederick Law Olmsted Summary

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Frederick Law Olmsted was a master of understanding the process of making a park look as if man had never touched it. He was a supporter of making parks open to the public. He was also concerned with preserving nature so that many generations could enjoy its theraputic advantages.
Constructing nature can be referred to in a literal and figurative sense. Planning and designing are the figurative part of the construction process. Taking thoughts and ideas and drawing them out on paper in order to maximize the beauty that nature intended are all the first part of the process. Understanding what plants and flowers would naturally grow in a specific habitat, that they would not only flourish but also add a certain degree of beauty is very important. …show more content…

But his work was not done there. He was very moved by nature and understood first hand the benefits to the public's health. He wanted to protect the very pieces of nature he had help rebuild. It was very important to him that the public have access to all of nature's beauty. He also knew that without regulations and laws in place to help protect these parks, they would not last very long. Olmstead and a group of his supporters made sure that Niagra Falls was protected by founding the Niagra Falls Association. This was a huge step in making sure that the falls would be protected for future generations. Funds were now in place for the park to be taken care of and Niagra Falls became the first park created by a state government. Olmstead made sure that both the public and the falls would be protected. He helped to make sure that there was enough water flowing through the falls to make them grand again. Olmsted was the falls biggest supporter and made his mark by doing everything in his power to make sure they stayed one of the most beautiful parks in the United …show more content…

He understood that even though you plant an abudance of trees not all of them will remain healthy. Each tree had a specific purpose and for some once that purpose had been met, it was time for the tree to be removed in order for the others to flourish. He had the gift of foresight. He knew how to cut and and cultivate in order to get the best result. Others did not understand such ideas. They thought that killing trees is a waste of nature. I understand both sides but I also understand that sometimes the bad seed needs to be removed in order for the others to

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