Fuzzy Logic Essay

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CHAPTER 3 TWO LEVEL FUZZY LOGIC BASED INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEM (TLFL IDS) FOR BLACKHOLE ATTACKS IN WIRELESS AD HOC NETWORKS 3.1 FUZZY LOGIC 3.1.1 INTRODUCTION TO FUZZY LOGIC A fuzzy logic system (FLS) can be defined as the nonlinear mapping of an input data set to a scalar output data .A FLS consists of four main parts namely fuzzifier, rules, inference engine and defuzzifier. The fuzzy logic process has been explained by the following steps. Initially, a crisp set of input data have been converted into a fuzzy set by using fuzzy linguistic variables, fuzzy linguistic terms and membership functions. This process is known as fuzzification. Secondly an inference is framed by using a set of rules. Finally the process of defuzzification has been carried out with the output of the fuzzification and …show more content…

The normal and abnormal behavior in the network are hard to predict as the boundaries cannot be well defined. The prediction process usually generates false alarms in anomaly based Intrusion detection systems. With fuzzy logic, a set of fuzzy rules is used to define the normal and abnormal behavior in a network. Fuzzy inference engine can be applied over such rules to determine intrusion. With fuzzy logic detection rate can be improved and false alarm rate can be reduced considerably. The degrees of freedom of a fuzzy logic controller, FLC, are related to its structure and the associated parameters. The structure is defined by the fuzzy input and output variables and the number and shape of the fuzzy sets for each variable whereas the parameters are related to the distribution of the membership functions on the universe of discourse and the rule base

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