
Great Migration Pros And Cons

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The Great Migration was the movement of 6 million African-Americans out of the rural Southern United States to the urban Northeast, Midwest and west. How did it have an effect on there families? And how did it change their lives for the better? African Americans faced many trials from the great migration they were forced to move from their homes, they moved from the south to other parts of the country, in 1900s the had set off looking for jobs some we 're looking to get away from the racism many were looking for schools to accept them, but Chicago, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, New York and Philadelphia had all experienced a spike in population. For example Detroit had a original population of maybe 6,000 in 1910, but by 1930 this number hit 120,000. Between 1910 and 1940 there was a bloom of black artistic expression this period of time was known as the Harlem Renaissance. This period of time had black culture everywhere from music, literature to stage performing and arts, this was only one of the great migrations pros. With all …show more content…

Arguably the most profound effect of World War I on African Americans was the acceleration of the multi-decade mass movement of black, southern rural farm laborers northward and westward in search of higher wages in industrial jobs and better social and political opportunities. This Great Migration led to the rapid growth of black urban communities in cities like New York, Chicago, St. Louis, and Los Angeles.117 While relatively small groups of southern African Americans migrated after Reconstruction to border states such as Kansas and into the Appalachians, it was not until the imposition of Jim Crow segregation and disfranchisement in the South that large numbers of blacks left their homes and families to search elsewhere for a better life. Still, in 1910, nearly 90 percent of American blacks lived in the South, four-fifths of them in rural

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