Essay On Cinnamon

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Honey and cinnamon, even if they have full private use of its healing power, a mixture of honey and cinnamon bears the mark of an elixir of health and immortality. It has always been the spiritual food wise men and saints, the bliss of spirit and a gift from heaven. Here are thoughts about science.
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Formerly it was believed that honey and cinnamon mixture can be used as a back sight to the blind, or even revive the dead. If it does not, it certainly keeps health, gives vitality, youth and fertility. Eastern nations during and cinnamon are considered beneficent gift of nature and the elixir for centuries used for the treatment of almost all diseases and mental conditions. It is believed that the man who at least …show more content…

Certainly it has been established that honey and cinnamon is applied as a drug has a beneficial effect on the entire body making it more vital and more powerful, but the latest statistics confirm that essentially extends the human lifespan.

Резултат слика за med i cimet za mršavljenje
Cinnamon and honey. Natural recipes.

For heart disease and reduce cholesterol levels

2 teaspoons honey, mix with 2 tablespoons of cinnamon and dissolved in 2 cups of warm water, taken three times daily. The recipe is perfect for the prevention of stroke and heart attack, decreased dyspnea and normalize the heartbeat.

For arthritis

Dissolve in a glass of warm water 2 tablespoons of honey and a teaspoon of cinnamon (flat). Take morning and evening after half a glass. If it regularly even chronic arthritis can be cured.

Colds and flu

In times of warm water to dissolve a spoon of honey and a third of a teaspoon of cinnamon, stir and take three times a day after the third

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