
How Did Alexander Hamilton Affect The Economy

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Alexander Hamilton Alexander Hamilton was born January 11, 1755 in Saint Kitts and Nevis. He was sent to America for an education. He worked hard and enrolled at King’s College, but left without a degree. He married Elizabeth Schuyler a daughter from a wealthy family. George Washington appointed Hamilton Secretary of Treasure. Alexander Hamilton created many things from banks to newspapers that positively impacted the economy to make society better with a more efficient way of doing things. George Washington selected Alexander Hamilton to be the first Secretary of Treasury. Alexander Hamilton formulated fiscal policies and improved the financial stability. He helped With the financial problems and taxation during the Revolutionary War. Alexander Hamilton was confronted by a financial crisis in 1792, the price of securities began to go up and eventually crashed in March. Investors started to withdraw their money from their banks and Alexander Hamilton helped to solve the crisis. It was hard for Hamilton, but he kept persisting on doing it again and again even if they said to stop trying. Also Alexander Hamilton along with James Madison and John Jay wrote 85 essays to persuade the delegates from New York State to ratify the newly written U. S. Constitution or warning of the dangerous powers given to the proposed national government. The Federalist Paper were published in different New York Newspaper between October 27, 1787 and August 16, 1788. …show more content…

The financial system allowed trade of funds between lenders, investors, and borrowers. It operates at national, global, and firm-specific levels. It made economy more organized.Hamilton also served in the Rev. War. Hamilton commissioned as captain of New York provincial artillery company. He was appointed aide-de-camp by George Washington. He was promoted to lieutenant colonel. He commanded successful bayonet assault on British Redoubt Number 10 at battle of

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