
How Did Galileo Contribute To The Scientific Revolution

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Galileo was born February 15, 1564, in Pisa Italy as the oldest son of six. His father Vincenzo Galilei, a music theorist, wanted Galileo to take up anything in the field of medicine as it would benefit him financially in the future. So, Galileo did just that, he went to study at the University of Pisa for a Medical Degree but soon realized that wasn’t his true calling. His heart was in mathematics, he was amused by how chandeliers would swing and take the same time to return to its first position. He was also fascinated by geometry and natural philosophy, so fascinated in fact that it made him change his course altogether despite his fathers protests. In no time Galileo began teaching Aristotelian philosophy and mathematics, many of his lectures remain to this day. During the time he spent studying and teaching Galileo began making some discoveries that would lead him into being recognized as one of the chairs of mathematicians.
Galileo made many contributions to both science and math. Contrary to what many people think he did not invent the telescope but he did improve it. The enhancements that Galileo made to …show more content…

He played a major role in the scientific revolution and he self discovered many of his theories, which we still use to this day. In the 20th center several popes have had to acknowledge Galileos transcending work and contribution to the field of not only math but also science. Moons and spacecrafts have been named after him, even asteroids. He has been honored in our culture today with books, plays, and movies. He broke free from the social norms at the time and changed the way people viewed things, even if that meant being imprisoned. His books continue to be read by people and inspire many to study and discover things as he did. Educators around the world are still teaching what everyone learned from him and giving examples of experiments from his

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