
How Did Scrooge Change In A Christmas Carol

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“A Christmas Carol Open Response Question” In the story “ A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens, the behavior of Scrooge changes from the beginning of the story to the end. In the beginning, Scrooge was a very selfish person who didn’t care about anyone but himself. When Marley’s Ghost came, he learned that there will be three other ghosts that are going to visit him, and that he needs to change his behavior fast. Also, after the Ghost of Christmas Past arrives, he takes Scrooge to a warehouse where Scrooge was an apprentice and was reminded of how great he was treated then they went to Belle’s house where he learned that he cared about his money more than his girlfriend. From the Ghost of Christmas Present, Scrooge is informed that Bob …show more content…

At the beginning of A Christmas, he goes upstairs while trimming his candle because he loved the fact that darkness was cheap. Dickens quotes “He fastened the door and walked across the hall, and up the stairs, slowly too, trimming his candle as he went, not caring a button for it being very dark. Darkness is cheap and Scrooge liked it.” After the visit of the four ghosts, he is no longer cheap but is very generous. One particular ghost I feel that helped bring out this change is the Ghost of Christmas Present because,e in the beginning, he discovers that Bob’s family is very poor because of the poor amount of money Scrooge paid them and later on he treated them with more kindness and increased the amount he pays them. At the end of the story, he was very generous because he bought a big turkey for the Cratchit family and also paid the boy that helped him. He tells the boy, “No, no, I am in earnest. Go and buy it, and tell me to bring it here, that I may give them the direction where to take it. Come back with the man and I’ll give you a shilling. Come back with him in less than five minutes, and I’ll give you half a crown.” This meant at the end of the day, he wasn’t only generous to the Cratchits family, but to the boy as well. In conclusion, Scrooge changes from being very cheap to be very generous. …show more content…

In the start, everyone who walked past him would get called a humbug by him. For example, when Scrooge’s nephew, Fred said “A merry Christmas” to him, he replied with “Bah Humbug”. But that grumpiness didn’t last the whole time because after he was visited by the four ghosts, he no longer behaves like that. In the end, Scrooge was very friendly when he said that the boy was very delighted after helping him. In particular, after the boy and Scrooge talk, he ended his sentence with “What a delightful boy! It’s a pleasure to talk to him. Yes, my buck!” Therefore, his grumpiness didn’t last throughout the whole

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