How Did Uncle Tom's Feelings Cause The Civil War

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Greater impression is Uncle Tom's Cabin. Primarily because the main character died before they got the freedom that he had been promised. The last years of his life is treated as if it was a human being, which leaves a very deep impression and strong emotions. Also a strong impression, in a positive way, was the friendship between Uncle Tom and the girl Eve and Christopher Shelby (Stowe,1969). Friendship between the little girl and Uncle Tom especially seen in the scenes where Tom jumps off the boat to save the girl, the girl also shows how much he loved Thomas when dying father asks Tom to be released. There it can be seen that even at that time there was friendship between blacks and whites, and that there have always been good people who helped people regardless of their race. Also the most moving scene is related to Uncle Tom and the girl Eve, the scene in which he sings her last song and carries her in his hands. Although Tom knew that the girl die trying in every way to facilitate it. …show more content…

The war was fought between the Northern states where slavery was prohibited, and the state in the south of the country who were slaveholders (source from: reading “Pr_ vs _Con-Slavery_in_the_Federal_Territories” ). Cause of the Civil War was slavery in the southern parts of the state. The slaves lived under very difficult conditions and sever did not approve. States' Rights Refers to the struggle between the federal government and individual states over political power. Some states in the South were slaves and slave owners were very badly treated the slaves. So why slaves resisted slavers wanting to get freedom. Question was whether federal government may prohibit a state slavery. In the north of the country begins to emerge abolitionist movement, it was a movement that advocated for the rights of slaves, and trying to ensure equal rights for all

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