Environmental Condition

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1.1 Research Background
Environmental performance can be generally explained as the overall condition or status of the surrounding area that is affected by many factors which brings positive or negative consequences. Under this context, Ecological condition is also a similar term to environmental performance which refers to the state of ecological systems, which includes their physical, chemical, and biological characteristics and the processes and interactions that connect them. Understanding ecological condition is crucial, because humans depend on healthy ecological systems for food, fiber, timber, flood control, and many other benefits (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2012).
According to Discover the Importance of India website, …show more content…

Amazingly, though, the ecological headaches engendered by these darker policies do not dim the luster of governmental activism. Indeed, as is typical of the harm engendered by the state’s ignorance, ineptitude, and intolerance, the resultant problems lead to even more strident calls for further intervention. This seemingly endless cycle only increases the costs we all pay for such bad programs, not only monetarily but in diminished personal freedom and erosion of respect for our legal and governing system. Most of the damage the state does to our environment comes when it seeks to help a particular segment of the population at the expense of the rest. With concentrated benefits and diffused costs masquerading under the mask of “the public good,” these efforts have created many of the most egregious examples of abuse (Russel Madden, …show more content…

There will be further structural reforms as environmental ministries and agencies gradually acquire more powers and wider responsibilities. Green planning will become more extensive, with wider use of sustainability indicators linked to tougher sectoral targets and the development of green national accounting measures to complement traditional methods (Ogle 2000). Ecologism and the environmental movement pose important challenges to established political traditions at the levels of ideas, action and

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