How Does Imagery And Art Help The United States Unify Under A Diverse Nation?

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Throughout history imagery and art has helped the United States of America to unify under a diverse nation. People use imagery to show something that cannot be explained, or imagery can be used to represent or remember a person, place or event. An example that comes to my mind is the construction of the 911 memorial. This was built after our nation was attacked and almost 3000 Americans were killed. This was a huge attack against people and this caused very little morality and pain in the people. The United States used imagery in order to build the 9/11 memorial. This represents all Americans who passed away during this time but also offers a place for people to go to remember and even pay their respects. Save this memorial makes you understand …show more content…

Imagery is used to show how different people see the nation's identity. As everyone knows, America is the land of the free. Where you have rights in the ability to choose your government. However everyone has different opinions on the topic and imagery allows each of the visuals to represent their earthly how they want. The American dream is a little bit different though. This is due to everyone having a different treat. The first thing that comes to my mind is the immigrants hundreds of years ago who moved to America hoping for a new life. They must’ve hoped that the American dream would be that they would be able to support their families, and live in peace. Imagery allows for people to capture there and identity for the American dream which allows for other people to see how others look at the …show more content…

One of the largest things that I learned about our stereotypes. How they can be good and help them can be bad but mostly they’re bad. I also learned about how stereotypes could have negative effects on people. This can lead to people making false narratives and claims or even being disrespectful to someone without even knowing them in the first place. My major at the current moment is global business. I’m not sure if that's completely what I want to do. But I know that I want to travel a lot for work. This means that I will be dealing with different cultures that I have never been around. This class helped me prepare for my eventual career choice in a couple ways. First thing helped me find my American identity and really made me realize that I am living what some people would consider to be the American dream. This has helped me realize that I need to be grateful for what I have and can’t take this life for granite. Another thing I learned that will be used in my career choices is that when I leave the country people are going to see me in a stereotypical way. They may think of me as a dumb American or of the sorts. As well it was just overall interesting to learn about different cultures and art throughout

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