Essay On Censorship Of Films

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Films comes in the area of Speech and expression and Article 19 covers all the areas of Freedom of Speech and Expression, by which any Government, Public Institution and an Individual person can be restricted to the some stages of speech and expression, the films are also a medium of expression which influences people very quickly. Peoples are more attracted towards the films. It is an established fact that the Constitution of India guarantees the rights of the citizens. These rights also include certain fundamental freedoms. So far as films are concerned, any individual is at liberty to make a film and exhibit it anywhere in India. But like other freedoms, this freedom is also not absolute. It is also subject to certain restrictions as mentioned in …show more content…

The Court said that pre-censorship was necessary as the medium of film had to be treated differently from other forms of art and expression.
“The art of the cameraman, with trick photography, vista vision and three dimensional representation thrown in, has made the cinema picture more true to life than even the theatre or, indeed, any other form of representative art.”
The court said that expressions like seduction, immoral traffic in women, soliciting prostitution or procuration, indelicate sexual situation and scenes suggestive of immorality, traffic and use of drugs, class hatred, blackmail associated with immorality are within the understanding of the average man and more so of persons who are likely to be the panel for purposes of

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