Importance Of Tribal Society

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CHAPTER-I Introduction and Design of the Study 1.1. Introduction India is a developing country. The development is unfinished until and unless it embraces the aboriginal population. The indigenous inhabitants of our country are commonly entitled as tribes. As the name implies they are ‘Adivasis’ or the original inhabitants of the country and distributed almost every state of the country. Over the centuries they have been following a symbiotic life with the forest. References of such tribal groups are found even in ancient literature like Ramayana and Mahabharata. D.N. Majumdar describes the tribe is “a collection of families or common group bearing a common name, the members of which occupy the same territory, speak the same language …show more content…

Here the most useful general condition is that of “level” (Wilson & Wilson 1945). If possible, tribal societies are small in size, are controlled in the spatial and of time range of their social, legal and political relations, and possess a principles, religion, and world view of corresponding dimensions. Normally, too, tribal languages are unwritten, and hence, the extent of communication, both in time and space is inevitably narrow. At the same time, tribal societies exhibit a significant economy of design and have a compactness and self-support lacking in modern society. This is achieved by the close, and sometimes unilateral, connections that exist between tribal institutions or principles of social organization, and by the concentration of a multiplicity of social roles in the same social persons or offices. There is a corresponding unity and coherence in tribal values that are intimately related to social institutions and are endowed with an intensity characteristic of all “closed” systems of thought. Tribal societies are supremely …show more content…

The empirical study was limited to Salem District kalvarayan hills only, covering the four Panjayat districts, which includes 84 villages A comprehensive study of the Malayali entails an in depth enquiry into anthropological, ethnographic, sociological, geographical, historical, cultural, linguistic and spiritual facets of their life. The present study deals with Socio- Economic status of Tribal’s, in Kalrayan hills these people, Income, , Saving and indebtedness of tribal households, over all tribes welfare measures Nature and Cropping pattern of Employments and their wages and standard of living of the tribal in the study area. The study has also dealt with the strategies, policies and infrastructure need for improving the standard of living of the tribal’s. The present study deals by Socioeconomic status of tribes, income, consumption pattern, Savings and indebtedness of tribal households, nature and pattern, of employment and their wages and standard of living of the trials in the study area. The study has also dealt with the strategies, policies and infrastructure needed for improving the slandered of living of the

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