Korobi's Instability Of Love Critical Analysis

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In spite of their internal clash with each other, Korobi gets confused with Vic’s feelings of love and care towards her, “I’ll have to make my next decision: Vic or Rajat, America or India” (OG 218). This instability in the choices of her love and life is because of a strong lack of stability in her background life. Korobi doesn’t know the importance of love, life and relationship since she was brought up in boarding school. This atmosphere failed to make her understand about the exact meaning of love when she is young. All these factors caused disturbances within her to fall back in the hollowness of instability in love.
The reason of instability in love is because she doesn’t grow with her parents. Bond of parents is very essential in a …show more content…

Her emphasis on the culture and tradition of India brings out an individual’s sufferings which is responsible for the entire change in fate. Divakaruni accepts and respects the culture and tradition of India, but at the same time the cultural intolerance saddens her. Through this novel she proposes the new patterns of wisdom and compassion which provides new perspectives to the idea of marriage and love. She expertly portrayed the various facets of Korobi’s personality; how her instability in love made her to change, how she feels drawn towards Vic, her feelings for her fiancé, her failed attempts to find her father and finally her victory that made her to reach a balanced level of maturity in the process. She is aware of this fact:
Actually though I think of my female protagonists having both strengths and weaknesses. They are complex characters; they often make wrong decisions; this is as true of Korobi in Oleander Girl. Perhaps what distinguishes my characters is their courage and spirit and a certain stubbornness which enables them to keep going even facing a setback. I think it developed organically as I wrote but also it came out of a desire to portray women as powerful and intelligent forces in the world. (Times of India, May 6

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