
Jack In Lord Of The Flies Quote Analysis

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“He snatched his knife out of the sheath and slammed it into a tree trunk. Next time there would be no mercy,” (Golding 31).

“We’ve got to have rules and obey them. After all, we’re not savages,” (Golding 42).

(Ch)This is the turning point for Jack in the novel. Early in the novel, Jack is already showing signs of flawed human instinct. The flawed nature of humans lies within every single boy on the island, although it takes longer for those flaws to be revealed in some than in others. Jack is essentially the first domino to fall, as many more will soon follow suit. Ideally, Jack allows his instincts to control him rather than him take control of his instincts.

(S)It is ironic that the boys refer to themselves as not being savage because, …show more content…

If he penetrated the wall with the stones, it would tear down Roger’s civilized state of mind and reveal the darkness within him.

(S)I believe Chapter Five is the middle of the boys’ regression from civil to savage. It was unclear at the beginning of the novel the change the schoolboys. The change from progression to regression is important because the island is stripping away the civilization taught to the boys and revealing the bare fruit of savagery underneath. This quote symbolizes the boys finally realizing their change… and accepting it. I think the author is trying to say that the boys have lost their civilized side, and the rules are the only thing keeping them from turning on each other. The symbolism in this passage is important to the story because it shows the progression of the characters from static to dynamic. I dislike the idea dynamic characters in Lord of the Flies because a dynamic character that changes throughout a novel and the change the boys have gone through isn’t delightful.

“‘You haven’t got the conch,’ he said. ‘Sit down.’ Jack’s face went so white that the freckles showed as clear, brown flecks,” (Golding

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