
Jackie Robinson's Role In The Civil Rights Movement

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October 23, 1945, Jackie Robinson shook hands with Branch Rickey, officially changing baseball and society, signing with the Brooklyn Dodgers. Robinson grew up in a poor household in Pasadena, California. He attended UCLA, making himself a four sport star athlete . Major league baseball had been segregated at the time, with the only black men playing in separate Negro Leagues. Branch Rickey, the owner of the Dodgers, wanted to break the color barrier. To do that, he had to find someone that could withstand racial discrimination and learn to not fight back when dealt with harsh criticism. Jackie Robinson took an amazing risk when he became the first African-American athlete to play in the major leagues. Robinson has been a huge inspiration to athletes, paving the way for blacks, not just in the game of baseball, as well as being an outspoken activist for the rights of American-Americans. Baseball was segregated at the time, but Jackie took an unbelievable risk, breaking the color barrier in the sport. He was called names and was discriminated against but chose not to fight back. Jackie Robinson has opened the door for …show more content…

Not just in sports, but in the Civil Rights Movement as a whole. During Jackie’s prime, “people began to view him as a spokesman for other African-Americans. He was an outspoken activist for African-Americans’ rights. He participated in many protests for fair wages and workers’ rights.” (Santella) Jackie has been an inspiration to all blacks around the world, for his determination even when times were tough, always standing up for his rights. As said in a past article, “Jackie had a huge part to play in how Americans thought about racial integration.” (Novak) He made Americans realize that African Americans could play with whites in the big leagues and be able to deal with the controversy that comes with it. Some may think otherwise, but Jackie Robinson is a role model for millions of people around the

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