Explain The Social Contract Theory By Thomas Hobbes

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The Social Contract Theory:

The social contract theory basically states that people are moral obligations of a contract or an agreement of political form as they are dependent on it for the preservation of basic security rights. So what it means is that morality consists of a basic set of rules governing behaviour that rational people would accept .However many philosophers argue that it paints an incomplete view of our moral and political lives. Our insecurities, selfishness, scarcity of recourses and equality of need forms the basis for this theory.
Since no man has any natural authority over his fellow men, and since force is not the source of right, conventions remain as the basis of all lawful authority among men.

The State of nature:

According to Thomas Hobbes, the primitive state of nature is like a war of all against all where man is insecure, about his fundamental rights. He lives in constant fear of loosing out on his freedom. He is caught in a vicious cirlce of debt, turmoil and an unbalance in life. He doesn't know how to be civil. So people of the 17th …show more content…

That is, nature offers us the opportunity to conduct one's life as one sees fit. Though is is without government, yet it does not lack morality. Different species of organisms in nature actually take care of each other and coexist whereas government and the mankind has destroyed this sense of unserstanding.According to Thomas hobbes nature is in a state of constant war, it is brutal and intolerable and mankind cannot escape form it.Therefore he must agree to the social contract which would help him secure his rights. Locke says that nature in itself isnt in a state of war but is slowly evolving into one because of disputes between us for our social rigths, disputes in propert etc. Whenever man tries to access something that is clearly and most definitely not his, there is chances that he is in war with

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