Contributions Of George Boole Essay

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John Boole was born in 1779 and died in 1848, was the father of George Boole. John Boole was a poor merchant, the typical story .. Someone who did not have enough resources in the world would say it was a "nobody." But although their resources were very low had two female bears that passionate more than anything and it was the love of mathematics and logic. For the same situation of its economy are very difficult to have made his son John Boole in school. With much effort they put him, his first mentor or his first lessons were given by his father. The excellent talent that had George Boole had not yet manifested. He spent his youth and that knowledge is not the transfer to all. But this was because George was not interested so like his father. A George in his youth liked more than they were the humanities. Even in his teens he learned many languages including Latin, Greek, German, Italian and French. Thanks to these languages he could read much Christian theology, giving a variety of knowledge. Then George began to have a passion for math. Putting these two incredible passions as theology and mathematics was seen interested in purchasing the Christian Trinity that we all know in a superficial way that is, the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. But he went further studying the three space dimensions, so it became interested …show more content…

Symbolic logic seeks to improve the defects that always look in everyday language. Symbolic logic gives us criteria that affirm us as far as possible, I mean the truth of some equations if some become real or other not. Given that the rules generate these do not address a single equation are created, if not entire sets no interest in the content they

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