Analysis Of Lexus And The Olive

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The dramatic obliteration of the Berlin Wall in 1989 had brought the Cold War Era come to an end, as the US and the Soviet Union backed down. The old and isolated world that is full of borders had changed dramatically through breaking barriers. Hence, gave birth to a new borderless community. The end of the Cold War has also created a fervent and profound change in the global community. The book Lexus and The Olive, for instance, mainly focuses on the new era of globalization and the changes within this period and how the world tried to grasp the new system without abandoning the old ones. In some scenario, it also gives a picture of the world, whereas the half of the globe is developing through innovations and leaving the old system behind …show more content…

In addition, the emerge of this new “ironic” world has various phenomena of environmental destruction and environmental restoration, triumph of both liberal and free market capitalism and even the balance between nation-states subsequently the rise of powerful states. The balance between the actors in the world made the system of globalization works. Furthermore, the book tries to explain four things about globalization. First is to know how the system works. Second, is to explain how individuals, state or non-state actors interact with this system. Third, is to identify the downsides of globalization and last is to explain the role of the US in stabilizing this system and how this state became a key actor for globalization. To begin with, the new system of globalization is an encompassing process of change. It involves the inescapable march to new technology and democratization of various idea this is why the main perspective of globalization is “integration”. Moreover, the system of globalization could stand by its own feet since it has its own demographic pattern which explains why people from rural areas move to urban area just to follow the trend in the global scene, also it has its own dominant culture mainly the reason why it tends to homogenize …show more content…

This argument was best described by stating the author creating a disease called “Microchip Immune Deficiency Syndrome”. This syndrome tends to affect a country or a company that fails to adapt to the changes in the system. Subsequently, making this country or company left behind as it fails to connect to the world. Since, globalization usually has its pros and cons, it can be the door to an interconnected world with fast connections that could make economics more efficient, on the contrary, it is not open to all, especially to countries that are far behind and cling to their olive tree very tight as these countries engage to the “backlash” brought by the globalization. In the final part of the book, the author argues that US has a vital role in this new era of globalization. The author urges to make the American model as the basis in creating an economic model for other countries. Aside from that, the author asserted that the military capability of US brought stability for the rest of the world. On top of that. US had heavily influenced the military, finance, film and Internet industry, which brought US as the “capital arrogance”. For that, the new era should instead be called the “Americanization” rather than

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