
Manipulation In The Crucible

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A mass hysteria that is happening today is “bottle flipping.” Bottle flipping has become something that most teenagers have at least tried once. Bottle flipping is literally flipping a bottle, trying to get it to land straight up. Although this seems pointless, it has become very popular because of social media, and a lot of people make videos that get more creative with it. In The Crucible, there is a mass hysteria that leads to John Proctor’s death, but, this is not the only reason. The play shows that Abigail, Elizabeth, and John Proctor, himself are responsible for John Proctor’s death during the Salem Witch trials.
In The Crucible, Abigail Williams basically is the whole reason for conflict happening during the play. She wants Elizabeth …show more content…

She knows about the affair between John and Abigail, but decides to stay with Proctor anyway. When arrested, Elizabeth has an internal conflict of deciding to tell the court the truth about John and Abigail’s affair, or to lie and say that John is innocent. Elizabeth does not know that John had already confessed having the affair and that everyone in town knows about it. She decides to lie in court, and tell them that he is innocent. This made everything go downhill for Elizabeth because at this point, his wife has lied without even knowing that it would lead to her husband’s death. Also, this made things change for Proctor because his wife’s lie makes him look even …show more content…

The whole hysteria of the “witches” makes everyone in the town join in on believing that the girls were witches. This is similar to the mass hysteria of “bottle flipping” because just like believing the girls are witches after one person assumed they were, everyone started flipping bottles once it became popular because that is something that everyone is doing, so a lot of people join the bandwagon and flip bottles. Even though bottle flipping is not a major problem, certain mass hysterias, like the one in The Crucible, can cause serious issues in a town or

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