Military Family Appreciation Essay

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Military family appreciation month occurs within the whole month of November. Mrs. Kraus and her Interior Design classes decided to create a survey to see how many families in the school had members serving in the military. As soon as we had gotten all of the surveys back, which was about 5 families, we split into groups and came up with projects make for the families. The first day, my group and I had went online and picked out a craft. My group had decided on making little throw pillows. The second day, we had planned out which person was going to do which task. For example, the first person was going to print the design on the pillow, I was going to make sew the pillow together and finally, the last person was going to stuff the pillow with cotton. …show more content…

I felt really good recognizing the military families. It is not only the people who serve in the military, but their families also. Yes, it is their family member who goes through weeks and weeks or training, then fights for their country and what they believe in to protect their loved ones. The soldiers’ family also has to go without their family member and pray that everything will be okay, or that the soldiers will not get called into battle. When they wake up, they have no idea of what they will face, which is taking a risk, but those are things that the soldiers are willing to

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