
Mob Mentality In Lord Of The Flies

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Synthesis Writing Assessment “All persons ought to endeavor to follow what is right, and not what is established.” (Aristotle) In mob mentality people follow what is established. Mob mentality occurs when people forget about their own beliefs and follow what everyone else is doing. Mob mentality occurs in The Lord of the Flies and in To Kill a Mockingbird. A setting with a dictator leadership and deindividuation in the people, is when mob mentality is more likely to occur. Mob mentality in The Lord of the Flies and in To Kill a Mockingbird occurs when people join a group or a mob, they lose their identity and follow the group's actions instead of their own. Mob mentality occurs in many different situations. Mob mentality occurs when people …show more content…

Mob mentality occurs in The Lord of the Flies, especially when order is given to a group of people. “All at once the crowd swayed towards the island and were gone-following Jack. Even the tiny kids went and did their best among the leaves and broken branches” (Golding 38). This passage is showing leadership. The reader are also showing how Jack is the leader and everyone follows him and his orders. Everyone, “even the tiny kids”, follow Jack without questioning his reasons for the orders. The people on the island lost their own sense of identity and instead they follow Jack and his behaviors. This passage from the novel proves that when people join a group or a mob, they lose their identity and follow the group's actions instead of their own. In the passage, all the boys on the island are following Jack and are forgetting about their own identity. The mob does whatever without even considering each individual’s …show more content…

Mob mentality was used when an individual follows a group/mob in order to fit in. "Scout, I'm tellin' you for the last time, shut your trap or go home-I declare to the Lord you're gettin' more like a girl every day! With that, I had no option but to join them" (Lee 52). In this passage Scout had two options. She could join the mob and follow them, or she could go home alone. Scout decides that that she would stop talking and continue to join the group of boys she was with. Scout’s behaviors show that she was willing to forget about her own beliefs to be part of the mob of boys. Mob mentality in this scene occurred when Scout joined the mob of boys and lost her identity. She instead followed the mob of boys actions instead of her

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