Multicultural And Multilingual Approaches To Children

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It is the duty of every adult to help children feel the sense of belonging as they grow up. This can either be in a family, their culture, and the community they live in or in the early years setting. However, the setting seems to be the first group that every child joins outside of his/her family and its friendship network. Therefore, it is important for us practitioners to make families welcome to the setting in order for them to feel the sense of belonging. As children need to be confident in talking, reading and writing in their home language, it is important for us practitioners to support and help them develop fluency and literacy in English as well as value their language and ensure that we make efforts for them to develop a balanced bilingualism. Value cultural diversity and respect difference In the UK and other counties around the world people live in a diverse and multicultural society. Therefore, it is important to appreciate, respect and understand different cultural values and religious ideas for each and every individual and that early years setting should reflect on the multicultural and multilingual approaches. In our setting we have home and others areas in the environment that have some objects which are familiar to the children and help to link with their homes and culture known as artefacts. Using everyday activities to explore different cultures Introducing children to different cultures such as preparing and cooking food, as part of

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