
Narrative Essay On Ocala

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A year and a half ago, God brought me kicking and screaming to Ocala from my 47-year home in Orlando. The second Sunday I was here, I came to Church @The Springs.
The first person I met when I walked in the front door was Jacob Sylvia. I told him I was new and that I missed Orlando and I missed working at church each week.
That was ALL he needed to hear. He immediately put me to work greeting, and he partnered me with Muriel Wade--who turned out to be the dearest sister anybody could want. It was an amazing second Sunday in Ocala!
Muriel immediately invited me to her Friday night fellowship group in the home of Dee and Carl Downing and led by Larry Myforth, where they embraced, included, and loved on me. It was amazing.
From there, I moved …show more content…

I was born again in May 1965. It burdened me. I went to the Lord in prayer for them, feeling woefully inadequate in the face of these beautiful saints praying and believing for their pastor’s wife, Teddi Sylvia.
At first, I thought, “Ok, when the student is ready the teacher will appear.” However, I quickly came to realize that this was human, soulish rational at work in my mind.
The Word teaches us that faith is the substance of things not seen, the evidence of that which we hope for. These Christians were collectively in committed faith, and it was rich with hope.
A massive leap of faith permeated my heart, and I immediately began following their lead. We saw our pastor’s wife not only come back from the brink of death, but we saw her restored to life and vitality.
Suffice to say that it is my joy and privilege to be a part of such an amazing family of God. My old history is in Orlando and Akron, OH—but, hey, who needs "anything old?" I am getting some new wine, so I quickly got myself a new wineskin right away.
"He who was seated on the throne said I am making everything new! Then he said Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true."

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