Nt1310 Unit 3.1 Exercise 2

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3.1.8 TACA The objective of TACA is to choose a minimum number of cluster heads to decrease the number of nodes in the virtual backbone. The characteristics of TACA are: • The nodes in the ad-hoc network are able to increase or reduce their transmission coverage range. However, there is a maximum range R max. • Nodes mobility and Battery power are considered as a weight deciding factor. • A cluster head is chosen when the network is first activated. • As a node drains its battery power totally, it becomes dead and is eliminated from the network. Calculating Node Weight: Distance traveled by a node Dv = sum [DISTv] In ‘n’ time units from i= t-n to i=t where t is the current time. Node Avg speeds Sv = Dv/n. Mobility factor ΔM = δ

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