
Patrick Henry's Speech After The Revolutionary War

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Patrick Henry gave his famous, "Give me liberty or give me death!" speech in 1775 at the Second Virginia Convention. Patrick Henry talks about many different topics in his speech. He talks about liberty, false hope, and fighting back against Britain. I think he is one of the most influential founding fathers because of this famous speech. The Revolutionary War may not have happened if it wasn't for Patrick Henry. He is one of the most outgoing founding fathers and doesn't hesitate to proclaim his opinion, which is shown in this speech. Patrick Henry is a lover of liberty. This fact is stated many times in his speech. The very first thing he says in his speech is: "No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, as well as abilities, of the very worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the House." Patriotism is the …show more content…

Freedom isn't just being completed free. What the colonists want is freedom from the rules set by Britain. The colonists want the freedom to think for themselves. Their whole lives are being controlled by the king of Britain. The colonies are being controlled too much by a king that lives across an ocean. They didn't think that someone who doesn't even live there should have a say in the …show more content…

He also talks a few times about "chains," thing like, "our chains are forged." The chains are the laws set by Britain, and the false hope is the hope that everything between Britain and the colonists will be okay. He also mentions a, "Blinding Truth," that none of the colonists want to face. The truth is, the colonists either have to go to war within Britain, or live the rest of their lives in slavery. Of course, many of the colonists don't want to have war with Britain. Britain, at the time, had the strongest army in the world. There was no way the untrained colonists could beat such a big

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