Personal Narrative Essay: A Short Story: The School Day

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“Amy! You’re going to be late! Come on! Now!” Mom bellowed from downstairs. From the tone of her voice, I can see that she was fuming; there wasn’t any common sense in her now. I put on a jacket and a pair of old jeans before I rushed down the stairs with my tangled hair. I couldn’t even take a glimpse at the mirror to get a hint of what I looked like, unquestionably a wreck. The school week was nearly over; it was exceedingly long. It’s good that the Easter and mid-term holiday are coming up; some time away from school would be nice. I dashed out of my house and jogged to school, hoping I would reach in time. School was only a ten minute walk from my house, so that was good. The open space in front of the building was virtually vacant when I got there; the …show more content…

I burst into tears, not concerned if someone might catch me. I just wished I could be sucked deep into the earth, where no one could hear me, see me or mock me. I just wish I could disappear… forever. My body felt stiff; I couldn’t move. It’s like I was paralysed. I sat there motionless as time ticked away. I didn’t know how long I was in the toilet. The seconds felt like they were minutes and the minutes felt like they were hours. But I had to calm myself down. Crying wasn’t going to get me any good results, and it certainly isn’t going to change anything. I inhaled profoundly before I opened my eyes warily. I breathed in again, once more, before I wiped the tears off my face with the back of my hands, put my feet down on the floor and stood up. I listened carefully for any sound; there wasn’t anything but silence. My all-time best friend: silence. I carefully opened the toilet door, peeking out before opening it fully. I stepped outside the toilet and towards the mirror. I opened the tap water and wet the tissue paper that was in my hand before I softly rubbed the mortification off my

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