
Personal Narrative Essay: How Hockey Has Changed My Life

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During my short life, I have not had many life altering experiences; however, one thing that has changed me for the better is playing hockey. Since I started playing hockey in eighth grade it has been something I have become passionate about for various reasons. One reason is my love for the game in general, and more specifically for playing goalie, the one position that holds the balance of the scoreboard. The second reason is being a part of a team. This is important to me because it gives a strong sense of purpose to the player. Playing hockey has allowed me to meet new people, learn to work with others towards a common goal, and also be a leader to those who need it. Being a goalie is a position unlike any other. It is the only position in any team sport that has you playing for a team, but at the same time makes you feel like the most alone person on the planet. For example your team can be performing …show more content…

In this instance the opposing team forced a turnover skated the puck into your zone set up a well practiced play, maybe a shot from the point using their forwards as a screen so you could not even see the puck, but as the puck sails into your net glooming looks of disappointment are being conveyed from your team, coach, and half the crowd. You may wonder why someone would want that type of pressure, and I will be the first to tell you that it is not for the faint of heart. Honestly however I love it. And you must love the pressure in order to play this position. But one thing I strongly believe is that no one straps on the pads and instantly loves the euphoric highs, and catastrophic lows that come with playing goalie. It is something you build up; something that you have to work at. It does not come overnight; it comes only after a

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