
Ean Injury Reference Letter

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To Whom It May Concern,

It is my privilege to write this recommendation for Ean Patry. I have been very fortunate to coach Ean on the Thornton Academy varsity lacrosse team over the past two seasons. As the goalie coach I have been able to get to know Ean from not just coaching standpoint but as a personal one too; and all my interactions with him he has shown what type of person he really is. Ean has shown that he is a young man of intelligence, character, talent and leadership. Ean now a junior at Thornton Academy has been honored as one of the team’s captains for this upcoming season and continues to show his hard work ethic not just in lacrosse but as well as football. As a freshman Ean had never played goalie, previously playing as a defensemen. Our program was in need of a goalie and Ean being the natural leader he is stepped up to fill the role as a freshman. This is where as a coaching staff we discovered our future goaltender for the next four years. From the first day Ean was the hardest working young man on the field. He is always the first one on the field and one of the last to leave, dedicating himself to the game and learning how he can be the best goalie. In the eight years I have been coaching I have never coached such a hard working young man. Ean is more than just a hard worker he …show more content…

He will most certainly do anything in his power to become the best that he can be, no matter what he is doing. That’s just the type of person he is. Ean is natural born talent and leader. No one will outwork Ean. When he is put in a position of needing to rise above a certain level of competition, he reaches those heights without fear. He is one of the most coachable players any program will have. He is willing to do the little things or the big things whatever it takes to help the team. Stepping up as a freshman to become the team’s goalie was just a small sample size of what he is capable of

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