Adversity. Struggles and misfortunes. Adversity teaches a person many lessons. It helps a person to grow and become a stronger individual. One learns to overcome obstacles and be resilient through the obstacles they come to find.
Adversity is, however, beautiful. Not satisfactory, not enjoyable, but beautiful. In the face of adversity, many people tend to develop their character by developing new skills, making themselves stronger, and by becoming more understanding and compassionate. They take something terrible and use it to make them better. Adversity develops character by helping develop skills that may not have been necessary if they had not gone through hardships.
Obstacles can be challenging, and difficult, but people can overcome them by never giving up, always trying their best, and surrounding themselves with families and friends. Two stories that I have read that show adversity are “A Work in Progress” by Aimee Mullins which is about a little girl losing her leg. The other story I read is “So Far From the Bamboo Grove” by Yoko Kawashima Watkins about a little girl that has to leave her home because of war and has very big obstacles to overcome. Aimee Mullins and the Kawashimas both face obstacles that include losing family members, walking very far in intense weather, and people doubting you and trying to stop you. In the end they all make it through the the challenges mentally and physically.
Throughout the course of my young life I have been faced with some adversity. The first thing that comes to my mind is when I was in eighth grade and my dad lost his job. This was very hard on all of our family has we felt bad for him. It was especially hard for me because my dad and I have a very strong relationship. When I first learned that he had lost his job I felt very bad for him
It was a typical chilly October Friday night on the football field under the lights with fans screaming, the hype of the game in full effect, when my life was altered and I was forced to make a decision. I was running down the field in hopes to catch the football thrown in my direction when I was hit. Everything seemed fine, until I tried to stand up. I felt excruciating pain come from my right leg, I looked down only to see the bone bulging from my right shin. I’ve always been told that no mater what you are dong adversity is going to come but it all breaks down to how you are going to respond.
I am no stranger to the term of adversity or its connection to my life. Through my 11th grade year my family and I were put in a position where we were, by definition, homeless. We were previously renting a home and the owner’s husband died leading her to want to sell the home. We were forced to move out because we could not afford to buy the house and we hotel hopped for months and for a period of time lived in my aunt’s home with her and my two cousins. The time spent was long and difficult.
Adversity positively affects the development of one’s character because it can teach someone mental toughness, it can teach you a new lesson about life,
The exercise we began class with truly opened my eyes to how much I focus on race in both a positive and negative way. I characterize my self as black and Dominican, both groups that have been oppressed by the majority, but by doing so I feel great pride and face adversity. Associating one trait with both the extremes of most problem and one with which I encounter a lot of problems exists as strange. I believe the pride comes from overcoming the adversity and achieving the unthinkable against all odds. Here at UVA, I exist in two of the smallest ethnic groups on grounds.
A Scarred Past Smoke filled the air, the smell filling me with anxiety. I heard pounding. The door opened and- "Flight 192, New York to London, is preparing to land. " I took in the unfamiliar setting as I began to become more conscious from my nap. I sat up, moving my long, brown hair out of my face.
My Defining Moment From the moment I was two years old my life changed, and I had that one expectation, the one how my mother would call it gift given from God, but in my eyes it is a misfortune. It all began with my aunt, Dolores moving to Switzerland, she got the one amazing opportunity to babysit a rich woman 's children in Switzerland. During that time she was still living in the Dominican Republic and it is a mystery to me how she got that job. Anyways it defined my life, would she not have had that opportunity I would have never existed.
In my brief life, I have overcome a lot of adversity. My mom fled Mexico with her three young children to escape domestic violence. When we came to this country we had only a few personal belongings and the promise of a better future. We came to this country and lived in a small trailer with no toilet other than a bucket, and no shower except for the one that was lent to us from the kindness of a stranger, our new neighbor. As a single parent, my mother had to work day and night to support us.
My childhood was ruined. Life is full of obstacles and the strong will persevere while the weak stumble and fall. I chose to persevere through the death of my brother by applying inspiration from Tim. This inspiration transitioned me into adulthood. I go to a small Catholic school where a small portion of the population experience tragedy.
Georgia O’Keefe once said, “to create one’s world in any of the arts takes courage”. Finding the will and determination to continue creating, whatever the medium may be, does take a certain amount of will. This is especially true when facing adversity. Never, have I experienced this phenomena so readily and completely than has been demonstrated by my father. Dad is a pianist.
Did you know every human body has 206 bones? Instead of having 206 bones, I have 206 ½ today. This is definitely a story I was never going to forget about, with all the pain, tears, and laughs involved. In P.E. one day in 8th grade, for our unit we played basketball.
One of my experiences with failure took place when I was in fourth grade. There were many problems accumulated and I was a child who needed people to see if I did my homework or study for the test, because I couldn’t concentrate and was distracted by anything in the room. My brother also had problems that year, he needed more attention because he didn’t get along with his math teacher and my Mom was always after him with the homework; otherwise he would have failed Math at the end of the year. In fourth grade, the teacher that was assigned to us was one of the strict teachers that were in that school