Essay On Personal Striving

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Other research shows that personality traits as well as memories have substantial link with personal strivings. Sutin and Robins (2008) showed that what people strive for have a connection with their memories and personal characteristics. But are these factors have influence during goal striving process? The answer to this question can be found in literature like Alder’s findings (i.e. Memories help meet the future with an already tested style of action). It gave the view that memories work as a motivating force during striving process and goal engagement across time besides alerting one about his/her goals at a specific time. Other researchers like Throne and Klohnen (1993) showed that memories are not only influential on expectations but …show more content…

Individuals having meaningful positive memories show greater goal commitment and consider goals more achievable (Moffitt and Singer 1994, Singer 1990). Memories play a role of mediator between personality and personal strivings. This can be explained by observing behavior of narcissists. As they are focused on power, so their memories are overloaded with power focused trends (Sutin and Robins 2005). But during striving process when someone struggles for power it give rise to conflict among goals like personal and social etc. The reason behind this conflict is that they are trying to have control on others which is part of their self-defining memories. So, self-defining memories are the way through which personal traits interfere with goal strivings. Researchers found that people who have positive image regarding their memories show more commitment and make more progress towards goal attainment while opposite is true for those who have negative feelings about their memories. People while recalling their successes can use those memories as an enhancer while working towards future goals. A feeling of success can be a motivational factor to strive hard and achieve again. And on the other hand such motivational force cannot be felt while having negative

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