Peter Roman Influence On American Culture

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With gratefulness tucked into our hearts, My family stood in a circle in the small kitchen, hand in hand. My great grandfather spoke a prayer of thanks for our health and prosperity while fumes of food danced around our noses. After we whispered “Amen”, I took a fervent glance at the variety of dishes placed before me; Turkey, cranberry sauce, and the Philippine dishes of Pancit and lumpia. Eastern, Asian, and American influences had been the cultures I grew up with and enjoyed due to my ancestors desire for freedom.
Peter Roman took a long breath after his eyes rested upon his new home of Pennsylvania; his arms itched to begin working the 700 acres of land he would soon receive. As the boat neared the colony, Men beside him cheered in exuberance; …show more content…

Anaclato Benji Ancheta experienced the same anticipation as Peter Roman when he arrived in California in 1923. He was hopeful of the freedom and wealth America had to offer, two foreign concepts that enveloped him in the Philippines. Because he was a young boy who lost his family, The new lands he set foot upon symbolized the renewal of a life of disaster. His life fulfilled the aspirations of his youth years later when he met my great grandmother, a Pueblo Indian. Although they were happy and married, they worked strenuously to support their many children, one of which was my grandfather, David …show more content…

Her choice to leave her college during her junior year for a semester astonished her close family and friends; She was a homebody and this trip was beyond her comfort zone, but she was fueled by her strong faith to the Lord. During their college years, both young adults decided to travel to Ecuador through a study abroad program. Little did they know the reason God had pulled them to Ecuador was not only to supplement an education, but to connect them with their future spouses. Ecuador provided the best Spanish education, consequently Lewis chose the populated country because of his Spanish major. On the other hand, Stephanie chose Ecuador solely because of God’s pull towards that

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