
Pros And Cons Of Manifest Destiny

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Manifest Destiny, a policy that encouraged americans to spread from the Atlantic to Pacific oceans. There were two perspectives of Manifest Destiny which was either seen as an opportunity to becoming greater or a white man’s greed. Americans were quite fond of themselves, they believed that it was their “destiny” to spread their nation across the globe, that this policy will benefit both sides. Natives were forced to follow under America’s authority. Without full consent they were removed from their homelands to only fulfill selfish idea made from greed. In the year 1802, President Thomas Jefferson and Meriwether lewis come across a book where the author, Sir Alexander Mackenzie, traveled through Canada to the Pacific ocean. Fascinated by …show more content…

The Creek Indians were defeated and forced to sign treaties that would relinquish twenty-million acres of land. In Jacksons presidency, he was approved by Congress to fulfill the Indian Removal Act of 1830. This act granted land exchange which placed the natives in new property under U.S. protection. “Jackson and his followers were free to persuade, bribe, and threaten tribes into signing removal treaties and leaving the Southeast.”, he succeeded to where 50,000 eastern Indians were moved. Soldiers escorted the natives to their new territory. Thousands of Cherokees died on the journey to their destination due to harsh conditions, “whooping cough, typhus, dysentery, cholera and starvation”. Protection of territory was promised to them but later ended in 1907 when Oklahoma became a state. The Indian territories have completely disappeared. America desired more land and spread of influence. For this reason, Manifest Destiny was created to begin the american expansion. Native Americans became the major victims of these events. Their homelands were taken by “a white man’s greed”. Be that as it may, the americans say they were not only helping themselves but the Natives too, of course this was only for show. Years later, the Indian Removal Act of 1830 came along to only move them again. Unfortunately, their protection from the U.S. expired in 1907 when Oklahoma became a state. In the end, all

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