
Evaluating The Key Features Of The Psychodynamic Approach

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Pschodynamic is a perspective in Psychology that first came into light in around the 19th century. The term psychodynamics is also used by some to refer specifically to the psychoanalytical approach developed by Sigmund Freud. This essay will outline and evaluate the key assumptions and key studies done by pioneers of the psychodynamic approach such as Freud. This essay will also be assessing the criticisms and strengths that are associated with the pshycodynamic approach.

Sigmund Freud was the father of the psychodynamic approach, he looked at the human mind greatly than any one before him. His contributions to psychology are vast. Key assumptions of this approach includes that events in individual's childhood can have a impact on their …show more content…

The Id is the unconscious part of the psyche which responds and reacts immediately to instincts. The id demands satisfactions and when this happens this then has a result of feeling pleasure. However when it is denied we then develop a feeling of which is more unpleasant and discomfort. Moving on, the ego is there to mediate between the unrealistic id and reality. In other words the ego is the component that makes decisions. Freud stated that,' the ego is the part which has been changed(modified) by the direct influence of the external world …show more content…

If an individual were to picture an iceberg he or she would state that the top of the iceberg is visible. The psychodynamic perspective would state that this would be the conscious part of the mind. This part of the mind is aware of things, hence why described as visible. The next part of the iceberg is just under water and that is called the preconscious state or what some people would call it dream state. The rest of the iceberg is hidden form view, this bit is known as the unconscious part of the mind. the unconscious mind is where long forgotten memories and personality forming experiences are

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