
Racial Equality In Tupac Shakur's Song 'Changes'

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Racial ethnic equality
While the reality of racism as a way people chose to perceive things still remains to date, the choice to be or not to be is individual. Unlike other beliefs natured by natural laws, racism is indoctrinated in people’s minds in order to direct hatred on another group or ‘minority’. The racist mind chooses to absorb racist ideologies which then influence their thinking and identity.
“Changes” by Tupac Shakur
In his song Changes” Tupac Shakur addresses the many challenges African Americans face a s a people ranging from racism to struggles they endure in a racist world. Poverty as well as racial profiling which are associated with results f racism also comes out clearly in the song. He had experienced so much racism or racist related atrocities from people with influence such as police. The song is a call to change both to the oppressed and the oppressors because change is a reality.
From the ‘racist mind’, Raphael Ezekiel puts clear the extent to which it can be perpetrated to the minorities. Despite the milestones made in fighting racism, there are still many areas that it still manifests itself such as hiring of ex-convicts while others segregate on the basis of skin color. However, it is important to note that racism knows no color because racial segregation can be from any hate centered …show more content…

The power over others brings about the superiority aspect of one section of people (racist) over the others. The superiority can be seen through the way police treat ordinary African Americans who by shooting them become heroes. Change is required by all both African Americans and the whites and this change or war on racism cannot be worn by prejudice or discrimination and blaming the victim. Change cannot also be found by stereotyping but by a shared objective of improving

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