Relational Clause Analysis

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VI. Relational Clauses The third major type of process are the relational clauses. These processes of ‘being’ and ‘having’ serve to establish relationships between two entities (Simpson 2004). Within transitivity, there exists two simultaneous systems that intersect to define six categories of ‘relational’ clause. The intensive, possessive and circumstantial types of relational process each occur in two distinct modes of attributive and identifying. The grid below displays the classification with clauses extracted from the text. Type \ Mode Attributive Identifying Intensive ‘x is y’ I was young and ill-educated Imperialism was an evil thing Possessive ‘x has y’ I had had before of the real nature of imperialism - Circumstantial ‘x is at/ …show more content…

I was sub-divisional police officer of the town... As a police officer I was an obvious target and was baited whenever seemed safe to do so... The narrator uses the clauses to install a disparity between the people and him; by describing the people’s discrimination against him and his profession. Applying context, this could then be translated into the building tension within colonial society between the Burmese and the British Empire, ultimately leading to inevitable conflict (shooting an elephant). VII. Behavioral Clauses Sitting at the interface between material and mental is representative of the behavioral clauses. These processes are of physiological and psychological actions (states of consciousness and processes of consciousness) , carried out by key participant, the Behaver: The crowd would laugh at me. Behaver Process …show more content…

The study of its grammatical construction under the transitivity system allows more accurate deducement of the narrator’s positionality within the colonialistic society, featuring the disparity in the position of power when studying clauses of mental, relational and verbal. Through the understanding of material and behavioral clauses do the outcomes support the symbolistic representation of the major character, the elephant as the imperialistic force of the British Empire. The existential clause, on the other hand is revealed to provide a construction of setting for the narration. In conclusion towards the study of this paper, the transitivity system, along with other linguistic theories and models have demonstrated its validity in analyzing literary text to substantiate its

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