Research Paper On Who Is To Blame For The Death Of Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet Who’s to Blame In Romeo and Juliet who is to blame for what all happened? In Romeo and Juliet to blame the most is the families for what they had done to Romeo and Juliet.The next thing to blame would be the feud between there two families. The pearson that is blamed the most or the second most i Friar Lawrence even though he was trying to help Romeo and Juliet so they can be together but it did not turn out the way he planned. Who is to blame. The reason why the feud is to blame is because of their parents rage towards each other and that they hate each other a lot. The feud was so bad that the prince told the two families that if they tried to fight each other or if they do fight each other that they would both be …show more content…

Some people say he should be blamed less but he was the reason of the death of Romeo Juliet and Paris but he was only trying to help Juliet so she does not have to marry Paris and so that she can be with Rome. The thing that Friar Lawrence did was that he gave Juliet a sleeping potion that would last for forty eight hours and it would make her look just like she would if she was dead. They did that so that Juliet did not have to marry paris and after the potion wore off and they were going to have Romeo there to take her back to Mantua. But the message that Friar Lawrence sent to Romeo did not make it and Romeo’s helper saw that they were burning Juliet and he reported back to Romeo that she was dead. So when he thought she was dead he went to a Apothecary to get poison so that he could be with his love Juliet but when he got to the churchyard Paris was there and paris thought he was there to rob her grave so they fought and Romeo killed Paris. Friar Lawrence was going to try and be there when Juliet woke up so that he could tell her what happened until he sends Romeo another letter but he was to late because when he showed up he found Paris dead and Romeo dead but when Juliet had waken she asked were her lord was and he told her that they needed to get out of there because the people that guarded the churchyard was coming but she would not leave so Friar Lawrence left and Juliet wanted to be with her live so she stabbed herself

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