What Is Biped Robotics?

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Robots became irreplaceable in the modern world. Every manufacturing and production sectors are in the need of self-sophisticated environment. That will be widespread throughout the world. Latest development in the automation is robots. Biped locomotive robots are used in the process of research and technology. The step by step movement of the robots has been predicted by the desired motors. Objects will be recognized by the sensor placed in the robot. Firstly the locomotive function of the robots will be designed for the process. Collision avoidance method will be the key factor for the robots to walk without any distortion. Zero moment point helps the robots for stable walk and place the centre of gravity at a fixed point. Recognize the …show more content…

Gait locomotion
Gait locomotion is a pattern of the limbs of animals including humans, during solid substrate [13]. Central pattern generator is used to create Gait locomotion. It helps to move the robot in stable and sustained environment. The inverse kinematics of the robot played a vital role in the Central pattern generator method.
B. Kinematics of the robot
In this paper, Kinematics means the analytical study of the geometry of motion of a machine, with respect to a fixed reference coordinates, without regard to the focus that causes the motion. The study of geometric and time based quantities like position, velocity and acceleration are considered. Inverse Kinematics is used to generate the trajectory ankle of the robot …show more content…

B.2 Position control
If the desired point known, then the individual joints are provided with the separate system. The actual displacement is measured by sensors at with the joint. The difference signal is used to drive the joint motors, where error trends to zero and the time trends to infinity.
C. Robot motion analysis
In motion analysis the geometry of the robot bottom with the reference coordinate system, while the end-effector moves along with the path.
1. Determine the coordinates of the end-effector.
2. Determine the joint coordinates for a given location of the end-effector.
Generally, end-effector can be based on two systems:
C.1 Joint space
It will represent the position of the end-effector. With the joint parameter such as rotating, variable link length and twisting joint angles.
C.2 world space
In this paper, Rectilinear coordinates with reference to the basic system. The origin of the axes is located in the robot base. VW refers to the position of the end-effector.

Figure 2.shows the motion analysis of the R1.
D. Central pattern

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