Romeo And Juliet Guilt Essay

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In William Shakespeare’s famous play Romeo and Juliet, there are 2 lovers from the enemy Montague and Capulet families. Due to their family's ancient grudge, Romeo and Juliet can be together only in secret. Ultimately, Romeo and Juliet’s love comes to a quick end. While many characters share the guilt of Romeo and Juliet’s deaths, Capulet is the most responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Capulet is the most guilty because he threw the party which started Romeo and Juliet’s romance, he set up the marriage between Paris and Juliet and caused Juliet stress and fear by saying horrible things. The first reason Capulet should be prosecuted is because he threw the Capulet party. This started the whole romance between Romeo and Juliet. At the beginning of the book, Capulet talks to Paris about his daughter Juliet. He informs Paris, “This night I hold an old accustomed feast” (I.ii.28). If the capulet family was stricter with who was invited to this party, Romeo would have not met Juliet. The only reason they met each other was that Romeo and …show more content…

The second reason I am prosecuting Capulet is that he’s the one who set up the marriage between Paris and Juliet. Paris asks Capulet to listen to his request about marrying Juliet. Capulet tells Paris, “And too soon marred are those so early made / Earth hath swallowed all my hopes but she / She's the hopeful lady of my earth / But woo her, gentle Paris, get her heart / My will to her consent is but a part” (I.ii.28). Capulet says that girls who are married young grow up too soon, but also encourages Paris to charm her. Capulet says that his permission is only part of the decision. Unfortunately, this is a lie. Despite Capulet saying his permission is only part of it, later on in the book forces Juliet to get married even when she doesn’t want to. He also stresses Juliet out over marrying Paris. This evidence also shows that the most guilty for Romeo and Juliet’s deaths is