Sadness In My Life

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Life, sadness and recovery In the year 1949 I was to experience the most sorrowful time of my life. I did not know it at the time but my father appeared to have had a stroke in May and was taken to the hospital. Later, we learned that he had passed away. I could not believe it. After we received the news we sat around silently. One of our neighbours came to our house. She put us children together in our front room and prompted us to cry, at the loss of our father. My father’s body was brought into the house. I was led to the room where the body lay but then I was prevented from entering the room and seeing him. Someone thought that it would not be good for me to look at my dead father, as I was so young. The body was then taken out and cremated. …show more content…

Being my mother’s brother, he was my Mamaji and he was to become our saviour. He owned a bicycle shop and had recently married. I am eternally grateful to him for having taken on the task of raising us. Shortly after his marriage, he and Bimla mamiji moved in with us in our rented apartment. Our whole family was then supported by a very gentle and loving man. “I will take care of you all and pay for all your expense,” he assured us. That then became my new family and I was very happy with it. However one day I was unfortunate enough to upset him. My sister and I had a silly quarrel and I hit her. When Mamaji saw a boy strike a girl, he came angrily towards me. I ran out of the house and he ran after me. However he had a limp, due to a faulty ankle, that enabled me to run away from him. I had never been disciplined by my father and I realized then that I had to control my behaviour and show respect to all around me. After that, I never created any tension with him. He never had any conflict with anyone in the house. My Mamaji was the one who pulled us out of our weakened state of existence and guided us through our lives, till we initiated our careers. He was a very gentle, considerate and lovable

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