Sexual Satisfaction In A Relationship Essay

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Sexual satisfaction is a huge factor in relationship satisfaction. Sexual satisfaction in a relationship can determine if it will be a long-term or short-term relationship. In the past, sexual satisfaction has not been a primary focus of relationships or marriage. In the past few decades, however, sexual satisfaction has become an expectation of long-term relationships for both men and women (Impett, Muise, Rosen, 2015). With this new focus, problems can arise if expectations are not being met by either partner, especially in monogamous relationships where needs cannot be met- or not allowed to be met- outside of the relationship. Couples must put more effort into their relationship emotionally and sexually for a positive long-term relationship. …show more content…

Over time, the sexual attraction can decline, and this is when each partner should be more motivated to satisfy their partner’s needs. “Empirical research reveals that sexual desire tends to peak in the beginning stages of romantic relationships as intimacy is rapidly developing and then tends to decline over time as partners become more secure and comfortable in the relationship (Impett, Muise, Rosen, 2015).” Couples should then discuss their preferences and the things that they would like to try sexually. Some of these preferences could include at what time of day to engage in sex, where they would like to engage in sex, in which positions they would like to have sex in, and so much more. It is important for partners to want to be more giving when engaging in sexual activity in a long-term relationship. Even though one partner may not like a specific preference, they should come up with a compromise. If both partners are more giving, it can lead to higher relationship satisfaction and sexual satisfaction. Research has shown individuals who make changes in their sexual life to benefit a romantic partner will have a partner that feels more sexually satisfied. Therefore, the partner will feel more positive about making changes for their partner to enhance relationship satisfaction for the couple (Burke & Young, 2012). Because sexual preferences and discrepancies can be such a hard topic to talk about, some partners tend to avoid any conversation. This avoidance can lead to tension in a relationship and possibly the relationship coming to an

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