Importance Of Mindfulness In The Workplace

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We may suddenly feel complete peacefulness or have a great insight into the nature of our mind or life. Such states do happen during meditation and when they do, it certainly feels good. However, the primary aim of mindfulness is not about chasing these states or insights. Mindfulness instead is (most of the time) simply about maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and the surrounding environment. Being attached to any experience can cause unhappiness, whether it’s good or bad. But the funny thing is that the more we accept the simplicity of our moment-to-moment experience, the more often we will naturally be present and feel when good we meditate.
Moreover, although acceptance is a key component, meditation is not about blind acceptance. In mindfulness, one learns to be curious and accepting about one’s emotions and life in …show more content…

We see big corporates such as apple , Google Nike and face book introducing Mindfulness to their workforce in a bid to increase positive effects such as more creativity, increased work satisfaction and improved communications within the organization and improved team work amongst the employees. With this being said it’s also worth taking into consideration that Mindfulness cannot be used along other methods can be used within companies to improve staff morale and reduce stress. More and more companies are opening up wellness centres in their premises for their employees to use to reduce their work related stress so as effective as mindfulness can be it works better if supplemented with other strategies to reduce

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