
Similarities Between Fahrenheit 451 And Present Day Society

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Humanity A representation of many differences and one similarity is shown within Fahrenheit 451 and present- day societies. School illustrates something important that both societies should have in their lives; Fahrenheit 451 demonstrates school habits differently than present-day teachers. For example, a dystopian and present-day society have different learning habits which helps create a strong difference. In Fahrenheit 451, school schedules include “an hour of TV class, an hour of basketball or baseball or running . . . but do you know, we never ask questions . . .” states Clarisse, a character from Fahrenheit 451 ( Bradbury 27). However, in present-day society education, schools have a very balanced out schedule that consists of mandatory classes; therefore, the schedule …show more content…

. . [and how] they come home three days a month . . .”(Bradbury 92-93). On the other hand, students in present-day only have to attend school for five days a week; however, students come home everyday after an eight hour school day. Additionally, students will go to school for about nine to ten months in order to equal one school year. The act of crimes also has a big difference between Fahrenheit 451’s society and present-day’s society. For example, during the book. Clarisse says, “‘do you ever read any of the books that you burn?’” (Bradbury 5). Soon after, Montag replies with, “‘ that’s against the law!’” (Bradbury 5). In fact, this implies that a main crime in this dystopian society is the act of reading and possessing books or literature with a books content. In contrast, crimes in the present day include robbery and murder that cause damage and harm to both people and objects; these crimes usually happen when one wants revenge or feels unhappy. In addition, books are not a crime to possess or read in present-day society. Equally, both the dystopic society and the present-day society have war in common. “The war began and ended in an instant . . . the concussion knocked the

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