
Similarities Between Medieval European And Italian Renaissance

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Scenic Traditions from the Past
Theatrical and scenic traditions during the medieval European era and through the Italian Renaissance helped immensely in the development of theatre as we know it today. These time periods are characterized by different traditions in theatrical entertainment. The European Middle Ages introduced emblematic tradition as a way to portray ideas and concepts in stage scenery. However, during the Renaissance the idea of illusionistic tradition was used on stages in Italy. These two traditions have several goals in common. In this essay, I will explain the different traditions in Medieval Europe and the Italian Renaissance, compare and contrast the goals of these conventions, and pinpoint the traditions in contemporary theater staging.
Emblematic tradition, used in Medieval …show more content…

The goals of these two traditions were the exact same, but they went about it in very different ways. Both of these traditions made strides on improving the overall atmosphere and scenery of the theatre. They allowed for stage settings to be easily understood by the audience without performing in the actual location of the play. The plays of medieval Europe were mostly Religious Plays, so a universal code could be used for the emblems. This made it easy for the audience to see a certain emblem and know the symbolic meaning behind it. Through technological advances in society, the Italian Renaissance dramas were more complicated and aimed at perfection. The Italian Renaissance was a time where plays where royalty attempted to gain power and prestige. Artists, writers, and actors were readily given money to create plays for the Italian royalty. Despite the resources and money being more readily available for the artists of the Renaissance verses the artists of the medieval era, the main goals were very

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