Essay On Realism And Liberalism

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I chose to evaluate realism and liberalism as theoretical approaches that are connected to the Treaty of Versailles and the Paris Peace Conference. The key concepts of the war, such as the need for security by building alliances, economic development in order to pursue personal interest and security to protect from enemies are described by the context of realism theory. Liberalism is discussed in this essay mainly because of Wilson’s ideals and his League of Nations, which was established, based on his liberal views. This chapter first describes the main aspects of theories in order to understand why these two theories are essential for this time period. It shows certain examples of realism and liberalism directly relating to World War I and the period of the conference in Paris. Liberalism was inspired by “the desire to avoid …show more content…

In the aftermath of the First World War, the ‘idealists’ focused on understanding the cause of war in order to remedy for its presence. According to the realists, the inter-war scholars’ approach was flawed in more ways. They, for example, ignored the role of power, overestimated the degree to which human beings were rational, mistakenly believed that nation-states shared a set of common interests, and were overly optimistic that humankind could overcome the scourge of the war.” Realists have considered the balance of power to be one of the crucial mechanisms that are essential to preserving the liberty of states. The most common definition of concept of the balance of power holds that “if the survival of a state or a number of weaker states is threatened by a hegemonic state or coalition of stronger states, they should join forces, establish a formal alliance and seek to preserve their own independence by checking the power in which case no one state or coalition of states is in a position to dominate all

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