
Similarities Between Scarlet Ibis And Simon Birch

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“There is a plan and a purpose, a value to every life,no matter what location, age, gender or disability.”~ Sharron Angle As Simon once said in Simon Birch, I believe I have a destiny I know i wasn't born small without doing something great with my disability. He expressed that he knew he was meant to do something even if he didn't quite know what. In the Scarlet Ibis Doodle and his brother were determined to teach Doodle to walk, to fit in even though there was a great chance he couldn't, his big brother pushed him until he accomplished it. Both the Scarlet Ibis and Simon Birch are very similar whether it be the theme, characters or symbols.

The first similarity is the theme which is, you can achieve greatness no matter what your disability may be. These stories hold the same theme because both Doodle and Simon are working to achieve something. Simon wants to find his destiny “ I think God made me the way I am for a reason.” ~ Simon Birch. Later in the story Simon finds his destiny,Saving kids from a sinking school bus which had crashed into a freezing cold lake. Simon had an ability to talk to kids and have them listen with no distractions because of his small stature. Simon saved all the kids but later died. Doodle also overcame his small stature, not only living pass the time doctors told him he wouldn't,but by walking. Doodle achieved greatness by walking and making his disapproving brother proud by doing the “impossible”. “When Doodle was five years old, I was embarrassed at …show more content…

Both the Scarlet Ibis and Simon Birch are very similar whether it be the theme, characters or symbols. Scarlet ibis and Simon Birch are both very moving stories not only do their lives change they can provided a new perspective. You can help others and achieve greatness no matter your disability. Simon birch and Scarlet ibis are very similar. As said in both stories “Don’t leave me” will be the most moving line in both these

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