
Solomon Ecclesiastes Essay

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Solomon who is thought to be the author of Ecclesiastes, appeared like he did not appreciate the blessings that were brought upon him throughout his life, because he questioned the meaning of life. Solomon wanted nothing more than to live forever, because he feared what his works would become when he was gone. He felt that the work he had done was pointless. He had accomplished many things in his life, but felt they were pointless with no meaning. Ecclesiastes shows that life achievements are meaningless, unless God is present within the life of that person. Solomon was trying to reach out to people who go for the treasures of life without the fulfillment of God. Ecclesiastes slowly shows its meaning, and gives new meaning to life and what …show more content…

Just the second verse of Ecclesiastes is, “Vanity of vanitites, all is vanity!” Solomon speaks of the things that people think make life whole will quickly evaporate and only thing that will be left behind is a hole. “Under the sun” is also used quite often within Ecclesiastes, and it is to reflect a life without Jesus. These two phrases can lead to the conclusion that a life without God is a life that is meaningless. It is clearly understood in Ecclesiastes 1:1-2:26, that life is meaningless with God’s presence. According to Browning (2010), it is human sin that separates them from God. When life is meaningless, then anything that is done in life is irrelevant. Many times humans take the time to seek the treasures in life through the possessions that they own, in hopes that they will find a sense of lifelong happiness. In instances like this, people usually find themselves living a like that feels empty and find themselves unhappy. As human beings, we assume that we know what is important for us to become fruitful, but Ecclesiastes proves that to be false within the second chapter. It states that what humans do without God’s presence will lead to a meaningless

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