Importance Of Tough Love

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Firstly, it is vital to show tough love in a difficult world today because it will help children to become disciplined, strong and independent. This is because if the child does not learn the difference between right and wrong during their childhood, bad behavior will eventually turn into bad habits and it could lead to further consequences. The truth is, if we don’t address bad behavior, remember we are implicitly encouraging it through our inaction. Therefore, saying “no” and discipline your child, when warranted, can be tantamount to an act of love. So, we should not think we’re doing our child a favour by avoiding confrontation or covering up misdeeds.

Children brought up by parents who take the traditional tough love approach to child- rearing are actually doing their offspring a favour. This is because children are 75% more likely to become a well-rounded person than those who have been babied since very young.
Furthermore, they will bounce back from disappointments, more determined in the face of difficulty, empathetic, and accomplish much more, more and more. Remember, it does not matter …show more content…

Sure, it’s easier to buy them a £10 toy just to end the terrible tantrums. Does it ever end? No, it doesn’t. Every parent has made that egregious error where they have bought the sweetest candy in the store. Do you praise children indiscriminately? This is because children get used to the idea that if they whine enough, they’ll get what they want, when they want it. They expect the good things in life to naturally flow into their lives. The only solution to this is to stand up to pester power even if it makes an awful day, but makes for a better future and learn to say “NO!”. It could possibly save you thousands to contribute to bigger and better things. Later in life, tough love will equip them to develop an appreciation for work, they will learn valuable money management skills, take responsibility and use their

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