
Stereotypes In The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Truth Hidden In Details As a society, America has created certain ideas and stereotypes of each class including the citizens within them. In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald focuses around the superficial communities of West and East Egg, and their misconceptions of one another. The citizens of East Egg, such as Daisy and Tom Buchanan, frown upon the up and coming men of West Egg. This includes Gatsby, who dreams of the riches they take for granted. Gatsby, who obtained his money through dishonest means appears villainous, unsuccessfully attempting to join the wealthy and elite society of East egg. However there may be more to Gatsby's story, as the narrator says he is “worth the whole damn bunch put together”(154). By comparing Tom …show more content…

Nick says Gatsby’s house was a “factual imitation of some Hotel de Ville in Normandy”(5). Gatsby copies classical French architecture for his own home because he knows it would be pleasing to others who liked the grandeur. However, Gatsby never really wanted the lavish house, and was satisfied with keeping his personal bedroom “the simplest room of all”(). Because he came from a lower class, Gatsby’s true nature is to live with very little. His house is designed to appeal to society and create a link to their favor. Across the bay the Buchanan's mansion towers above, “overlooking the bay” (6). Tom’s massive house watches over and judges all those around it, setting standards that others must copy. The looming presence of the Buchanans house is oppressive, forcing others into the classical values they deem …show more content…

Gatsby continuously hosts large gatherings to stock his house with “interesting people, night and day” so there is never a lack of vibrancy (90). However, as soon as they leave, Gatsby returns to the loneliness of his home. As the guests drive away, “a sudden emptiness seemed to flow [now] from the windows and the great doors” while Gatsby stands alone watching (55). Gatsby’s watches sorrowfully as his the energy drains out from his house. Later, when Gatsby loses his dream of attaining Daisy’s love, his house returns to this melancholy and dreary state, reflecting the emptiness in his “ghostly heart” (96). When Nick walks in he notices a change and sudden void. The house “never seemed so enormous” with “curtains like pavilions”,“innumerable feet of dark wall”, and “an inexplicable amount of dust everywhere” (147). All Gatsby really craved was to be loved, much like his house, he was devoid of energy and joy on the inside . Gatsby’s house seems even larger, musty and stale because he is groping around in the dark for companionship he lost long ago. Meanwhile Tom is removing vitality from his lively home. In a natural contrast, the Buchanan's house is in constant motion, with vines “drifting up the side… as though from the momentum of its run” and the rest of the rooms “rippling and fluttering” with only one “completely

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